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Zhengzhou Gou's induction heating equipment manufacturer tells how to quickly get started with CNC machine tool operation

Zhengzhou Gou's induction heating equipment manufacturer tells how to quickly get started with CNC machine tool operation

First of all, the operator needs to have a comprehensive understanding of the CNC machine tool being operated. Understand the mechanical structure of the machine tool: You must understand the mechanical structure of the machine tool; you must master the distribution of the axis system of the machine tool; you must also firmly grasp the positive and negative directions of each CNC axis of the machine tool; you must master the functions and uses of each component of the machine tool, such as simple Pneumatic system principles and functions, simple hydraulic system working principles and functions; in addition, you must master the working principles and functions of each auxiliary unit of the machine tool, such as the tool magazine, cooling unit, voltage regulator, electrical cabinet cooler, etc. Principles, functions and usage methods, as well as the working principles, functions and usage methods of each safety door lock of the machine tool. UG free download has a firm grasp of the functions of each operation button of the machine tool: know how to execute the program; how to pause the program and then check the workpiece processing status, resume the paused state and continue executing the program, how to stop the program; how to change the program and then execute the program, etc. .

Understand what kind of operating system the machine tool you are operating has; briefly understand the control principles and working methods of the CNC system; what kind of working language the system uses, the software used for machine tool processing and the language it uses. If the operator does not understand the language or the professional vocabulary of the language, then professional training is needed. During the training, he needs to take careful notes. What does each word in the machine tool software mean in Chinese must be memorized by rote. Only by mastering it can you use the machine tool correctly in future work. In addition, operators also need to learn and master common operation alarm statements during training, know what they mean in Chinese, how to solve problems, and how to eliminate false alarms. In addition, for operators, if they have the energy and ability, they can learn and master this type of language, which will be of great help in improving machine tool operating skills in the future. UG free download Secondly, you must be proficient in controlling the manual or automatic operation of CNC machine tools, and be proficient in controlling the movement of each CNC axis of the machine tool. The operator must reach the state where practice makes perfect, so that he can retract and release freely under any circumstances; only then when encountering a collision or failure, the operator can handle the problem correctly and timely, and the operator will form a conditioned reflex , decisively take braking measures. In addition, the operator must be very familiar with the processing procedures of the CNC machine tool; he must be very familiar with what kind of processes and operations, and what kind of actions the machine tool should have. When the machine tool executes the program, you can know at the first time whether the machine tool is acting correctly and whether braking measures are needed. In addition, every novice operator has more or less fear in the early stage of operating a machine tool, fearing that the machine tool will collide with the tool or machine. Only after the operator has mastered the operation of CNC machine tools can he overcome similar fears and learn to master higher CNC machine tool operation skills on this basis.

Third, you must be proficient in program editing, parameter compensation of each process and compensation of the diameter and length of the tool or grinding wheel. First, through training, master the programming language, programming methods and parameter compensation methods of the CNC machine tool you want to operate. Most advanced CNC machine tools are now equipped with PC workstations for programming or simulation. Then beginners can first conduct software editing and machine tool cutting simulation learning on the workstation. In the process of learning programming, don't just focus on the simulation results, but more importantly, learn the process of simulated processing. You must understand what kind of tools or grinding wheels are needed to process the workpiece, and what motion trajectory the machine tool CNC axis uses to complete the cutting process; machine tools When performing a specific process, the position and direction of movement of each relevant component in the machine tool; pay attention to the movement direction and cutting direction of each axis when performing processing, including how to advance and retract the tool, and pay attention to the movement of each workpiece during machine tool processing. The rapid forward speed and displacement of each step, and the working speed and displacement of each work step. When processing through simulation software, pay attention to that all parameters must be entered correctly during the simulation process. Do not enter carelessly just because of the simulation. This may cause incorrect simulation processing results; or cause collision accidents during actual processing in the future, or Parts are scrapped. If the simulation software has an anti-collision test function, then this function must be used to check the correctness of the programming. In addition, operators need to pay special attention: simulation processing is only a theoretical result. It does not mean that the machine tool will not collide during the actual cutting process, nor does it mean that it can process qualified products. The purpose of simulation is to save programming time, improve the actual utilization of machine tools, and reduce debugging time when processing workpieces. It does not represent actual part processing. Completing better workpiece processing is inseparable from the wisdom and sweat of the CNC machine tool operator.

Fourth, for processing skills in the actual processing process, make preparations carefully. First read the drawings, confirm the position of the workpiece to be processed, confirm the precision tolerance of the part to be processed, and then edit the processing program. It is necessary to prepare the workpieces and cutting tools or grinding wheels required for processing, prepare all the testing instruments required during the processing, and prepare all the auxiliary tooling and fixtures required during the processing.

Tips on how to prevent collisions when operating CNC machine tools for the first time

The main reasons for collisions are: first, incorrect input of the diameter and length of the tool or grinding wheel; second, incorrect input of the size of the workpiece and other related geometric dimensions, and incorrect initial positioning of the workpiece; third, the workpiece coordinate system of the machine tool The setting is wrong, or the machine zero point is reset during the machining process, resulting in changes. Machine tool collisions mostly occur during the rapid movement of machine tools. Collisions occurring at this time are also the most harmful and should be relatively avoided. Therefore, the operator should pay special attention to the initial stage of the machine tool executing the program and when the machine tool is changing the tool or grinding wheel. At this time, if the program editing error is made and the diameter and length of the tool or grinding wheel are entered incorrectly, a collision will easily occur. At the end of the program, if the retract action sequence of each CNC axis is wrong, a collision may also occur.

When using the tool and grinding wheel for the first time, the tool should be carefully calibrated and this problem should not be taken lightly. In order to avoid collisions, when operating a machine tool, the operator must fully utilize the functions of the five senses and observe whether the machine tool has abnormal movements, sparks, noise and abnormal sounds, vibrations, and a burnt smell. If an abnormality is discovered, the program should be stopped immediately. The machine tool can continue to work only after the machine tool problem is solved. At the same time, before operation, operators should receive safety training on machine tool operation. Each type of machine tool should have safe operating procedures. Operators should undergo systematic operation and safety training, and can only work on machine tools after holding a qualified job certificate. Before working, the location of the fire extinguisher should be known, and the operator must master the method of using the fire extinguisher, the position of the air pressure switch of the machine tool, the position of the input power switch of the machine tool, and the position of the hydraulic workstation, all of which require mastering the emergency shutdown method. Cooling oil grinders should place a fire extinguisher within three meters of the machine tool.

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