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When the ultrasonic induction quenching equipment quenches two cams that are very close to each other, how is the sensor designed?

When the ultrasonic induction quenching equipment quenches two cams that are very close to each other, how is the sensor designed?

Camshafts often use ultrasonic induction quenching equipment for induction quenching heat treatment. As an important tool, the inductor has a great impact on the quality of the workpiece quenching. We usually make the inductor according to the specifications of the workpiece. So when performing induction hardening heat treatment on the camshaft, how should we design the inductor if the two cams of the camshaft are very close to each other?

When the two cams of the camshaft are very close to each other, if the ultrasonic induction hardening equipment only heats one cam, the adjacent side of the other gear will be heated due to the influence of the magnetic field. When designing the sensor, the following measures should be considered:

1) Install a magnetic conductor or magnetic field interceptor to shield the magnetic field on the inductor, but this kind of inductor has a large loss, and the loss is even greater when the interceptor is used.

2) Use a wide inductor to heat the two cams at the same time. If no measures are taken for the effective circle, the centerline side of the two cams will be hotter than the two outer sides, and the hardened layer will be unqualified. The near-centerline side will be deep and the outer side will be shallow. . During production, a customer made a groove 10mm wide and 3mm deep in the middle part of the effective circle to reduce the magnetic field there and achieve better results.

3) Heat the lower cam first, and install a spray ring under the sensor to spray for a long time. Although the upper cam is slightly heated at this time, it has not been quenched yet, so there is no disadvantage of tempering. Then the upper cam is heated. At this time, although the quenched lower cam is affected by the magnetic lines of force, it will not be heated and tempered by the cooling of the injector.

4) With the advancement of technology, new cam induction quenching processes and sensors are also emerging. For example, using imitation cam-shaped sensors and using the CNC and multi-axis functions of the quenching machine, during the heating process of the cam, the gap on the base circle side of the cam will increase. Automatic adjustment can increase the temperature of the base circle. Another new process is to connect the three sensors of the intake and exhaust cams and the oil pump cam to their respective power supplies. The cams that are very close to each other can be heated and quenched simultaneously according to their respective processes. The upper part of this sensor is the valve cam profiling sensor, and the lower part is the oil pump cam sensor.

Inductors have a great influence on the quality of workpiece quenching. Zhengzhou Gou's has been engaged in the production and sales of induction heating equipment for fifteen years, and has accumulated rich experience in the production of equipment and the production of inductors.

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