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What kind of quenching requirements require the medium frequency quenching machine?

What kind of quenching requirements require the medium frequency quenching machine?

When purchasing induction heating equipment, many customers rarely know whether they really need a medium-frequency quenching machine, a high-frequency quenching machine or a super-audio quenching machine. This is also because customers have less knowledge about induction heating equipment, because medium-frequency induction quenching machines are relatively It has long been known to customers. When consulting, many customers will directly ask the manufacturer whether it has a medium frequency quenching machine or medium frequency quenching equipment. The professional staff will first understand the customer's basic situation and then recommend the customer to use a specific product model. , so customers, please do not feel impatient when the staff understands your situation. Please inform the staff of your specific situation, recommend a model for you, and choose the correct equipment model based on your situation.

Specifically explain the difference between high frequency, medium frequency and super audio frequency: the basic principle of induction hardening: place the workpiece in an inductor wound with a hollow copper tube, and after passing in the medium frequency or high frequency alternating current, the same frequency is formed on the surface of the workpiece The induced current will rapidly heat the surface of the workpiece (the temperature can rise to 800 to 1000 degrees within a few seconds, and the core is still close to room temperature) and then immediately spray water to cool (or quench with oil) to harden the surface layer of the workpiece.

1. Selection of heating frequency. The relationship between the depth δ (mm) of the induced current flowing into the surface of the workpiece at room temperature and the current frequency f (HZ) is that as the frequency increases, the current penetration depth decreases and the quenching layer decreases. Commonly used current frequencies are: 1. High-frequency heating: 100~500KHZ, commonly used is 200~300KHZ, which is a tube-type high-frequency heating with a hardened layer depth of 0.5~1.5mm, suitable for small and medium-sized parts.

2. Intermediate frequency heating: The current frequency is 500~10000HZ, and 2500~8000HZ is commonly used. The power supply equipment is a mechanical intermediate frequency heating device or a thyristor intermediate frequency generator. The depth of the hardened layer is 3 to 10 mm. Suitable for larger diameter shafts, medium and large gears, etc.  

3. Super audio frequency induction heating: current frequency is 8KHZ-80KHZ. Using ultrasonic induction heating power supply equipment, the hardening layer depth is generally 1.2-3mm, which is suitable for surface quenching of small and medium-sized workpieces, and its application range is relatively wide.

When choosing an intermediate frequency quenching machine, you need to check whether your quenching hardness layer requirement is 3-5mm, or between 5-10mm. The above content is for customers’ reference. You can still consult our staff for details.

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