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Using high-frequency induction heating machine for induction heating sorbitization treatment of high carbon steel wire can avoid many problems of traditional sorbitization treatment

Using high-frequency induction heating machine for induction heating sorbitization treatment of high carbon steel wire can avoid many problems of traditional sorbitization treatment

Nowadays, many manufacturers are using high-frequency induction heating machines to perform induction heating sorbitization treatment on high-carbon steel wires. They say that this sorbitization treatment method can avoid many problems of traditional sorbitization treatment. Today, the editor will give you a brief introduction to these issues.

Analyzing the entire process of traditional sorbitization, there are mainly the following problems:

1. Lead pollution problem. Lead is an element with a high vapor pressure. At a temperature of 550-600°C, its vapor pressure is approximately 1540Pa, making it a relatively volatile element. Even though a covering agent is added to the surface of the lead bath, some lead vapor will still escape into the atmosphere and cause lead pollution. Inhaling lead into the body can cause lead poisoning and endanger human health. At present, some people are studying the lead-free isothermal quenching process to eliminate lead pollution, and the test is in the development stage.

2. The heating speed of austenitization process is slow. Traditional fuel furnace heating mainly relies on radiation, convection and conduction heat to heat the steel wire, and its heating speed is 5-10℃.s-1. Due to the slow heating rate, metal oxidation loss increases, and the oxidation loss is 0.2%-0.3%, thus reducing the yield of the steel wire. The heating speed is slow and the high-temperature residence time is long. The initial grains of the austenite obtained are relatively coarse, which is not conducive to isothermal decomposition to form a fine sorbite structure, thereby reducing the sorbitization effect. An effective way to improve this problem is to use induction heating instead of traditional heating methods for austenitization.

3. The total energy utilization rate of traditional austenitizing heating methods is low. The total energy utilization rate of traditional heating is 20%-25%, and most of the heat is used to heat furnace materials and is discharged into the atmosphere by furnace gas. When using a high-frequency annealing machine for induction heating austenitization, the total energy utilization rate is 28%-32%, which is 8%-10% higher than traditional heating, thus saving a lot of energy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

4. It is difficult to control the austenitizing temperature of steel wire stably by contact electric heating. The steel wire enters the lead bath through a conductive roller and is heated by resistive heat generated by the current flowing through the wire. This heating method has the phenomenon that each steel wire will have different heating temperatures due to uneven distribution of conductive current, which will eventually lead to uneven austenitization temperatures and different grain sizes of the steel wires, thus reducing the sorbitization effect. Similarly, the use of induction heating for austenitization can completely eliminate this shortcoming and obtain a uniform austenitization temperature and a stable sorbitization effect.

This article briefly introduces the problems of traditional sorbitization treatment. From this, we can see how excellent the induction heating sorbitization treatment of high-frequency annealing machines is. It can avoid many defects of traditional equipment, and we should strongly advocate it.

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