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Safe, reliable, medium frequency induction heating equipment without high voltage danger

Safe, reliable, medium frequency induction heating equipment without high voltage danger

Medium frequency induction heating equipment is safe under normal operation and does not pose any dangers such as high voltage, but operators must know the safe operating procedures.

1. First, connect the cooling water to the medium-frequency induction heating equipment before powering on, and check whether each water outlet pipe is smooth.

2. Turn on the air switch on the wall and turn on the "main power switch". The AC voltmeter will indicate and the incoming light will be on, indicating that all three-wire power supplies have power.

3. Press the "Control Circuit On" button, and the "Control Circuit On" yellow indicator light will light up. The two lights on the control box are on, and the rectifier trigger ammeter, 15V inverse voltage stabilized power supply, and 24V amplifier power supply meter all have indications at the same time.

4. Place the switch on the control box to the working position.

5. Please press the "main circuit on" button and the green indicator light on the main circuit will light up.

6. Set the potentiometer on the right front door counterclockwise to 0, and then press the "Inverter Start" button. At this time, the DC voltage is about 100 volts (if there is no voltage, the starting will not be successful). After 2 to 3 seconds, you can hear the sound of the intermediate frequency furnace and the yellow light of the inverter is on.

7. Under the condition that the impedance frequency is relatively suitable, you can adjust the potentiometer on the right door clockwise to increase the rectified voltage, DC current, and intermediate frequency furnace voltage and power. At this time, attention should be paid to: Ua = (1.2 ~1.4)Ud.

8. When the heating reaches the appropriate temperature, reduce the power and then press the "Inverter Stop" button.

9. If heating is no longer required, first cut off the main circuit, then cut off the control circuit, and finally turn off the main power switch.

10. After a power outage, the cooling water cannot be turned off immediately. The water should be turned on for at least 15 minutes before the water can be stopped.

11. Pay attention to the water on the ground, and do not let iron filings fall into the wire trench to avoid short circuits. And check the wire trench regularly (once a month) to see if there is accumulated water or debris.

12. If the furnace is ruptured, stop immediately and replace the furnace tube. Otherwise, personal safety will be endangered. When replacing the furnace tube, avoid damaging the induction coil and dry it. It can only be used after the insulation is measured and qualified.

13. If a sudden failure occurs while the device is running, it should be shut down immediately for repairs. After troubleshooting, when starting again, there should be no material in the furnace (i.e. no-load start) to be successful. It cannot start with load.

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