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Process parameters for quenching the left main blade of bulldozer with medium frequency induction heating machine

Process parameters for quenching the left main blade of bulldozer with medium frequency induction heating machine

The bulldozer blade is the main ground-contacting work piece on the bulldozer, which is mainly used for bulldozing and leveling construction sites. It can be seen that the bulldozer blade has to bear a huge friction force in the working process, therefore, the blade is required to have high hardness, wear resistance and service life. Therefore, we need to use a medium frequency induction heating machine to quench the blade. Each bulldozer has one left and one right main blade and two auxiliary blades. Today, we will briefly talk about the process parameters of the quenching of the left main blade of the bulldozer.

The left main blade requires a hardness of 48~58HRC, a quenching layer depth of 2.0~4.0mm, and a quenching width of not less than 35mm on both sides. We generally use a medium frequency induction heating machine for quenching heat treatment. Its quenching process parameters are as follows:

(1) The depth of the hardened layer of the part

It is related to the frequency of the medium-frequency induction heating machine used, the moving speed of the parts, the heating power, the size of the sensor gap and whether to preheat, etc. Since the depth of the hardened layer of the left main blade is required to be 2.0-4.0 mm, it is ideal to use a medium-frequency induction heating machine for quenching.

(2)Moving speed of parts

When other conditions remain unchanged, the moving speed of the part is inversely proportional to the depth of the hardened layer, that is, the faster the moving speed of the part, the shallower the depth of the hardened layer. The slower the part moves, the deeper the hardened layer will be. For this part, if medium frequency quenching is used, the moving speed of the part should be slowed down. However, if the moving speed of the part is too slow, it will cause problems such as excessive quenching temperature of the part, coarse quenching structure of the part, and easy quenching cracking. Therefore, the test should be passed. Adjust the moving speed of the appropriate parts to meet the technical requirements for the depth of the hardened layer of 2 to 4mm. Zhengzhou Gou's learned through experiments that the moving speed of the parts when the left main blade is quenched is 13mm/s.

(3) The size of the sensor gap

The larger the inductor gap is, the slower the heating speed is and the longer it takes for the part to reach the phase change temperature, so the depth of the hardened layer is deeper. On the contrary, the depth of the hardened layer is shallower. We have learned through experiments that when the left main blade is quenched, the gap between the top and bottom of the part and the sensor is 3.5mm, and the left and right positions can be centered.

(4)Heating power

When other conditions remain unchanged, the greater the heating power of the part, the deeper the quenched layer depth; conversely, the smaller the heating power of the part (provided that the part can reach the quenching temperature), the deeper the quenched layer depth. shallow. Through continuous experiments, we have obtained that the heating power of the parts when the left main blade is quenched is 120kw.

Okay, I believe you now have a great understanding of the quenching heat treatment of the left main blade of the bulldozer. If you want to know about the quenching heat treatment of other blades or the heat treatment process of other workpieces, you can contact us at any time.

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