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Optimization of industrial robot conveying path in medium frequency induction heating furnace stamping production line

Optimization of industrial robot conveying path in medium frequency induction heating furnace stamping production line

The hot and cold material mixed conveying system using industrial robots as the carrier is one of the key links in the high-strength steel hot forming production line. In order to minimize the temperature loss during the conveying process of hot billets, the smoothness and rapidity of the conveying process of hot billets must be ensured. Based on the research on the digital production line of high-strength steel plate hot press forming, based on the kinematic model of the six-degree-of-freedom articulated industrial robot, and based on the analysis of its motion characteristics, an optimized conveying method was found and the new , the simulation and actual measurement results of the old scheme were compared and analyzed, and it was found that after using the optimized scheme, the hyperthermia delivery time was reduced from the original 2.7S to 1.8S while also reducing the motion acceleration, thus fully proving the superiority and effectiveness of the new scheme. Adaptability.

The intermediate frequency furnace hot stamping process can be simply summarized as follows: the blank is heated to the austenitizing temperature, then transferred from the heating furnace to the press, and then hot stamping and quenching strengthening are completed in the mold to obtain the required strength and plasticity. In the heating furnace with protective atmosphere, the blank is heated to a temperature higher than AC3. After heat preservation and the blank is fully austenitized, the bonus material is transferred to the thermoforming mold for forming.

After the medium frequency induction heating furnace heats the billet to the hot punching temperature, the robot controls the claws to clamp the hot billet and move quickly in the air, and the temperature of the billet will drop rapidly. Actual measurements show that if the conveying time is 2 seconds, the blank temperature will drop from 900°C to 750°C; if the blank drops to less than 780°C before forming, the forming force and cooling rate will exceed the process specifications and affect the product quality.

For billets without surface anti-oxidation coating, exposure of the billet to the air at high temperatures will cause surface oxidation to form oxide scale and surface decarburization, which will affect the quality of the product. Reducing the contact time between the hot billet and the air can reduce the The degree of oxidation of hot materials.

To sum up, to meet the requirements of the thermoforming process, the robot feeding process must be highly rapid and stable. While ensuring smooth and accurate feeding of materials by the robot's claws, the time for delivering hot materials is minimized.

Optimization of medium frequency induction heating steel material transportation plan:

The transportation of hot and cold blanks in high-strength steel hot forming production lines is crucial. In order to improve production efficiency. For the first time, a mixed transportation scheme for hot and cold materials was proposed. The conveying process uses robotic industrial robots as the carrier, and pneumatic claws are specially designed to convey hot and cold sheets at the same time.

The transportation process must meet the conditions of stability and speed, so that the cold materials and hot blanks can be accurately and quickly transported to the heating furnace bracket and mold, so that the entire thermoforming production line can be produced safely and efficiently. Due to the rapidity requirements during the transportation of high-strength steel blanks, it is mainly reflected in the hot material loading process. Therefore, we will talk about the conveying process of blanks in the production line. The first option is a conveying path designed according to conventional methods. After the robot reaches the material-grabbing point, it reaches the intermediate path point by rotating the sixth joint in a large range, and transfers the hot material to the front end of the conveyor. Then, it performs smooth path planning in the joint space to transport the hot material to the end point of the conveyor. Option 2 changes the robot's In the material-retrieving posture, the fifth joint of the robot is at the far end of the material-retrieving end. After the claw reaches the material-grabbing point, the trajectory is planned in the joint space and is directly transported to the end point without passing through any intermediate points.

The simulation results show that both solutions adopt joint space trajectory planning and can meet the requirements of smooth and smooth transportation. However, in comparison, Option 2 can not only effectively avoid collision and interference with the press, but also increase the hot material delivery rate, which is the optimization of Option 1. The steel billet production line of the medium frequency induction heating furnace uses robot transportation to greatly improve production efficiency and product quality.

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