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High frequency induction heating equipment needs to face technological innovations

High frequency induction heating equipment needs to face technological innovations

With the advancement of social industry and the improvement of customer requirements, in order to adapt to market needs, high-frequency induction heating equipment has to make technical improvements.

The emergence of new materials, structural ceramics such as A12Oi.Si3N..SiC and ZrO:, which have superior properties such as high temperature resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and high strength, have shown this broad development prospect.

Research and production of these materials and performance testing need to be carried out at high temperatures, with very strict requirements on temperature, pressure, atmosphere, temperature field and other process conditions. The design and development of new high-efficiency thermal equipment and the research of high-temperature generation technology determine the further development of materials to a large extent. Designing, building and commissioning the heat sources used to make high-temperature materials requires as much labor and expense as researching and developing new materials. For many materials and products, in addition to normal pressure and vacuum sintering, the application and continuous progress of hot press sintering, atmosphere pressure sintering and hot isostatic pressing technology have accelerated the development of industrial electric furnaces, making it more difficult to develop new industrial electric furnaces. The level is higher.

Compared with flame kilns, induction heating machines have many advantages:

1. Stable performance: complete protection, no worries.

2. Fast heating speed: no oxide layer and small deformation.

3. Small size: light weight, easy to install and move.

4. The sensor is isolated by a transformer and is very safe.。

5. Environmental protection: no pollution, noise and dust.

6. Strong adaptability: can heat various workpieces with different shapes.

7. The temperature and heating time can be precisely controlled, and the processing quality is high.

However, the ancillary equipment of the induction heating machine is relatively complex, and the equipment installation costs and electricity bills are high.

High-frequency induction heating technology has made great progress in recent years, both in equipment manufacturing and process innovation. The development of domestic induction heating technology started with the manufacturing of power supply equipment in the last century, followed by induction hardening process equipment. Nowadays, domestic induction hardening process equipment manufacturing is also expanding day by day, with a wide variety of products. Equipment that originally needed to be imported has been gradually replaced by domestic products. While saving foreign exchange for the country, it also develops related domestic enterprises. At present, induction heating manufacturing mainly serves the automobile manufacturing industry. In the future, the modern metallurgical industry will have greater demand for induction heating. Attention should be paid. Starting from a high starting point, it is necessary to import some advanced induction heating equipment domestically. Induction heating technology has developed greatly at home and abroad in recent years. The proportion of domestic products replacing imported products is increasing day by day. However, we should pay attention to several aspects, which will further help the development of these technologies.

1. Technical information. There are often some induction heating seminars in the world to discuss new technologies in the development of induction heating. Relevant departments in our country should actively participate. Heat treatment exhibitions held regularly internationally are also platforms for observing the development of new technologies. Professional organizations should collect and organize this information and propose scientific research projects and product development plans for domestic majors.

2. Organize the translation of foreign induction heating focus papers. For example, in recent years, France and the United States have published a variety of induction heating monographs, which provide comprehensive explanations of power sources and the application of induction heating technology in various fields, which are very useful to domestic induction heating companies and scientific research institutions.

3. Regularly organize domestic induction heating academic seminars and heat treatment exhibitions to exchange domestic technology and equipment development.

4. Domestic induction heating products should be regulated based on technical standards, such as heat penetration, energy consumption indicators for melting steel, trouble-free running time of power supply equipment, effective load rate of quenching machine tools, manufacturing accuracy of machine tools, and the service life of some key components. , reliability, complete set-up, productivity and floor space, etc.

5. Continuously improve and revise relevant technical standards in the field of induction heating. Our country has few standards in this area and is not comprehensive. Some foreign equipment manufacturers can learn from it before the future national standards.

6. For the manufacturing of induction heating equipment, efforts should be made in terms of advancement, reliability, economy, safety, durability and appearance according to my country's national conditions, and reliability should be highlighted.

7. Products with high energy consumption, high failure rate and poor quality will be phased out within a time limit through the technical supervision department.

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