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General faults and maintenance methods of solid-state medium frequency induction heating power supply

General faults and maintenance methods of solid-state medium frequency induction heating power supply

Like the SIT all-solid-state high-frequency heating power supply, the solid-state medium-frequency induction annealing power supply displays faults through the substrate indicator light, providing greater convenience for identifying the cause of the fault and handling it early.

For example 1

①The reason is that the temperature rise in the main body of the oscillator causes malfunction or malfunction of the working or electronic relay, and the temperature rises when working above 60℃.

②Maintenance method

a. Repair the heating element.

b. If there is no fault as mentioned above, consider THSIT malfunction or fault.

For example 2, the cooling water temperature indicator light is red.

①Reason. The rise in cooling water temperature of the oscillator causes the electronic thermal relay THSIT to operate or malfunction, and it operates above 40°C.

②Maintenance method. Inspect the heat dissipation and bus bars of each part and repeat the method ②b in Example 1.

For example three, switch indicator lights are red.

①Reason. The door of the main unit of the vibrating machine is open or not fully closed, resulting in poor contact of the limit switches DS1T-DS3T.

②Maintenance method. Inspect the door of the main machine and confirm the working of the limit switch.

For example 4, the fan indicator light of the control circuit is red.

①Reason. The fan of the oscillator control box stops, causing FAIT-FA2T action or malfunction or malfunction.

②Maintenance method. Check the control pole fan and its protective device.

Example 5: Thermal protection 1, the rectifier indicator light is red.

①Reason. The temperature of the rectifier components rises, causing the operation of the thermal protection relay THS3T or other failures or malfunctions.

②Maintenance method

a. Confirm whether the cooling of the rectifier element is flowing.

b. Repair the water flow switch.

For example six, thermal protection 2, bridge 1 indicator light red.

①Reason. The temperature of the components of bridge 1 rises, causing the THS34T to operate or malfunction or malfunction.

②Inspection method a. Confirm whether the cooling water of the components of bridge 1 is flowing. b. Check whether each part is damaged.

For example, 7, the water volume is less than 1, and the rectifier indicator light is red.

①Reason. Insufficient cooling water for the rectifier components causes the water pressure switch WFR1T to operate or malfunction or malfunction.

②Maintenance methods

a. Confirm whether the cooling water pressure is above 0.2MPa.

b. Clean the filter on the water supply side.

c. Check the cooling water pipe spray group and water pressure switch of the rectifier component.

For example 8, in the matching part, the indicator light of insufficient water in the transformer is red.

①Reason. Insufficient cooling water in the matching part and transformer causes malfunction or failure of water pressure switches WFR9T-12T and WFR13T-18T respectively.

② Maintenance method a. Repeat the maintenance method a. b in Example 7. b. Check the matching part, the cooling hose of the transformer, the nozzle and the Shuya switch respectively.

The above are common normal phenomena and maintenance methods. For more maintenance, please consult our relevant technical personnel.

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