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Energy-saving measures for medium frequency induction heat treatment equipment

Energy-saving measures for medium frequency induction heat treatment equipment

Medium frequency induction heat treatment equipment uses energy-saving technology, but improper selection of medium frequency induction heat treatment equipment and process application will cause energy-saving equipment and processes to waste electricity. Therefore, the following should be noted:

1. Select the appropriate frequency, power and type of induction heat treatment equipment. The frequency must comply with penetration heating, and the power must meet the principles of short heating cycle and low heat conduction loss. The type of equipment must be selected with high frequency conversion efficiency and important accessories, such as the efficiency of the medium frequency transformer, must also be considered. For example, the frequency conversion efficiency of solid-state power supplies is higher than that of tube high-frequency power supplies. If the product technical conditions can also be met, solid-state power supplies should be used as much as possible. Transistor power supplies in solid-state power supplies are more efficient than thyristor power supplies, so IGBT or MOSFET power supplies should be given priority. The efficiency and water consumption of different types of quenching transformers are also very different, so attention should be paid to them when selecting.

2. Equipment working specifications must be appropriate. The load of the high-frequency power supply of the electron tube is improperly adjusted, such as an inappropriate ratio of anode current to grid current. Especially under under-voltage conditions, the anode loss of the oscillation tube is large and the heating efficiency is reduced. To avoid debugging of the medium-frequency power supply, the power factor should be around 0.9. 

3. The requirements for quenching machine tools are: high load coefficient and short dry running time. If multi-axis and multi-station heating can be used at the same time, multi-axis and multi-station structures are preferred. Taking the mass production of half-shaft parts as an example, one-time heating is more energy-saving than scanning quenching.

4. The efficiency of the sensor has a great relationship with the design. The efficiency of a good sensor is above 80%, and the efficiency of a bad sensor is below 30%. Therefore, it is necessary to design and manufacture the sensor well, and continuously optimize it during the production process.

5. For tempering of induction hardened parts, self-tempering or induction tempering should be preferred.

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