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Do you know the capacitors on the oscillation circuit of the medium frequency induction annealing machine?

Do you know the capacitors on the oscillation circuit of the medium frequency induction annealing machine?

The electrothermal capacitor is the main electrical appliance on the oscillation circuit of the medium frequency induction annealing machine. Its function is to improve the power factor of the circuit. Early product models developed from RYS type (oil medium), RLS type (trichlorobiphenyl medium), RWF type (alkylbenzene impregnated paper membrane composite medium) to RFM type (diarylethane impregnated full film medium) .

Early capacitors were generally equipped with two types of capacitors on quenching machine tools, namely RYS and RYST. The latter is a trimming capacitor, and its five plugs have different capacitances, making it easier to match the appropriate capacitance when tuning the mechanical generator. After transistor power supplies replaced mechanical generators, trimming capacitors were no longer necessary because the frequency automatically tracked during tuning.

Capacitors produced today use diarylethane to impregnate the full-film dielectric, and their capacity is greatly improved. Compared with RYS 0.75-160-8, a bottle of RFMO.75-640-8S electrothermal capacitor has a capacity that is 4 times that of the former. The volume (37.3cm×11.8cm×22cm=9683.08cm3) is 0.48 of the former (35.5cm×12.6cm×45cm=20128.5cm3). Therefore, the size of the capacitor cabinet is greatly reduced, making it a compact induction heating device. Design creates good premises.

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