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The steel pipe is heated by medium frequency diathermy furnace

The steel pipe is heated by medium frequency diathermy furnace

Steel pipe is a kind of hollow steel. According to the shape of its section, it can be divided into many kinds, such as round, square, rectangular, irregular shape and so on. It is often used in the construction industry, petrochemical industry, etc., to transport some liquids or gases. Due to the environment and time, the surface of the steel pipe will be corroded and rubbed. Here, we often use an intermediate frequency diathermy furnace to conduct diathermy treatment on the steel pipe, thereby improving its friction and hardness. Make the steel pipe stronger and last longer.

The intermediate frequency diathermy furnace improves the reliability of the equipment through the integrated circuit and numerical control design, and it is more energy-saving and power-saving when applied. High-quality power devices prolong the service life of the equipment. They have three functions of power, time and current, and can be switched and adjusted freely. The frequency is automatically tracked, and different workpieces can be heated. After setting, the equipment can work continuously without stopping, which greatly improves the production efficiency.

